The Faculty building received an award in the category of new constructions from the Mayor of Plzeň in 2014. It houses two research centres: NTIS (New ...
Naučíš se analyzovat a vizualizovat data a pochopíš, jakým způsobem IT může transformovat organizace a ovlivnit celosvětovou ekonomiku. Tento obor je pro tebe ...
Cowork tenants will find modern, well-equipped offices that are the perfect place to work and network. Check it out. Contact. Koterovská 152, 326 00 Plzeň 2- ...
Plzeň also known in English and German as Pilsen is a city in the Czech Republic. About 78 kilometres (48 miles) west of Prague in western Bohemia, it is ...
USE-IT Pilsen. 319 likes. Maps and local tips for young travelers who travel on low budget. Informations are provided by locals, not-commercial, free,...